Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mash-up Madness, part deux

I think I may have found my favorite new mash-up artist. Hailing from France, ComaR primarily focuses on mixing only 2 songs together - taking the melody of one song and overlapping it with the vocals of another - which results in a concoction that sounds more like a remix one can actually dance to, rather than an chaotic, albeit interesting, listening experience which mash-ups tend to be. He doesn't have a dedicated album out, but you can find plenty of mash-ups if you sift around on his blog. Here's one of my favorites: Phoenix's "Heat Wave," mixed with Twista's "Give It Up," feat. Pharrell Williams.

ComaR - Give HEAT up

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Posted by Teri Hendrich Cusumano at 8:57 AM


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