Friday, February 10, 2012

Re:Generation Premiere

Thanks to KROQ radio here in LA, I was able to attend last night's Hollywood premiere of Re:Generation. In the film, 5 DJ's are given the challenge to reinterpret a different music style, either Rock, Jazz, Country, Motown, or Classical, into their own sound. Some are naturally paired, such as Mark Ronson with Jazz, while others found themselves with a larger learning curve, as did DJ Premier with Classical music. All of them however, rose to the challenge and created awesome tracks, the process towards which, is documented in the film.

Immediately following the screening, all the DJ's who participated in the project were on hand to answer questions and discuss their experiences with the project. Each of them expressed that it was a privilege to be able to work with music legends who have come before them and work on this project not for the sake of fame, but simply to make good music. Here is one of my favorite tracks from Re:Generation: Skrillex's Rock contribution, "Breakn' a Sweat" in collaboration with The Doors.

Skrillex - Breakn' a Sweat (RE:GENERATION) by CRUSK

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Posted by Teri Hendrich Cusumano at 10:27 AM


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